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Raise The WOOF

Release of Liability Information

& Business Policies


Your dog(s) are very important to us, Raise The WOOF would like to assure you that every effort will be made to make your pet's grooming, daycare, or training experience as safe and pleasant as possible.


Satisfaction Your satisfaction is very important to us. If you are unhappy for any reason, and would like something adjusted, we will be happy to make any modifications to the groom when you pick-up your pet from their appointment. Once, however, you take your pet home from the appointment, any return visits will be treated as a new appointment.

Cancellations/No call.No Show We book on an hourly basis and cancellations can leave an empty block in the schedule that could have otherwise been used by another customer, we ask that any cancellations are made at least 24 business hours in advance. Additional fees may incur or deposits required when scheduling future appointments as a result to which no refund will be administered.

Health/Medical Problems Grooming can expose hidden medical problems or aggravate current ones during or after the grooming appointment. Senior pets (over the age of ten) and pets with health problems have an increase chance of injury,  therefore these pets will be groomed for veterinary care will be covered by the pet's owner upon signing the release of liability agreement.

Accidents Grooming equipment is sharp, and although we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur including cuts, nicks, scratches, quacking of nails, etc.. Your pet's safety and comfort is our number one priority. In the event an accident does occur, you will be notified. Raise The WOOF, will not be held responsible for clipper burn, minor nicks or cuts, or irritation resulting from the grooming of matted, neglected coats, or tiled to sever skin allergies (including ears). In the event that your pet displays any aggressive behaviors, the groomer reserves the right to use a muzzle to protect themselves from injury.

Veterinarian Authorization-Medical Emergencies This release gives Raise The WOOF full authorization to seek medical treatment from the nearest veterinarian in the case of any medical emergencies. All veterinarian costs and expenses will be the responsibility of the pet's owner.

Payment Payment is due at the time of pick-up. Raise The WOOF reserves the right to charge additional fees for services we consider over and above the estimated price range, including but not limited to: severe aggression, bad coat condition, excessive parasite infestations, owner neglect, etc.

One Hour Pick-Up Rule Owner agrees to pick-up their dog(s) within one hour from being notifies the pet's groom is complete. If the owner does not pick-up their dog(s) within one hour of being notified the owner agrees to pay the half day of daycare rate, in addition to the cost of their groom as a result.

Current Vaccinations Your pet must be up to date of Rabies, Distemper, and Bordetella. Proof of vaccinations must be received prior to receiving any service at Raise The WOOF. Please bring copies of vaccination records for our files or contact your vet and have them email us at prior to your pet's appointment.

Dangerous or Aggressive Animals-Refusal of Service Raise The WOOF has the right to refuse any service at any time. In the event that your pet is too stressed or becomes dangerous to groom, Raise The WOOF has the right to refuse rooming services, stop grooming service, or cancel grooming services at any time before, during, or after grooming and the owner will be charged a grooming fee (for what was done up until that point).

Day Care

Right of refusal Raise The WOOF reserves the right to refuse admittance to any dog or dismiss any dog that does not meet or maintain the health, temperament or other daycare/grooming/training standards. The determination shall be made at the sole discretion or Raise The WOOF.

Dog Health Owner further understands and agrees that Owner's dog(s) are healthy and will be at all times while attending Raise The WOOF have current vaccinations for rabies, distemper and Bordetella. Owner is not enrolling any dog that has any condition without could potentially jeopardize the health of other dogs or people and has not had potentially communicable condition within the last 30 days. Owner further understands that even if Owner(s) dog is vaccinated for Bordetella (Kennel Cough) there is a chance that the Owner's dog contract Kennel Cough. Owner agrees that Owner will not hold Raise The WOOF responsible if Owner's dog(s) contracts Kennel Cough or other dog-dog transmitted ailments. All dogs must be flea/tick free. Should a dog be observed to have fleas or ticks, a flea/tick bath treatment will be applied and charged to the owner at a rate of up to $80.00 depending on severity and size of dog. Grooming expenses to be paid if Owner's dog(s) nails are too long and causing breaking skin or deep scratches to staff, volunteers, and/or other dogs. Nail trim cost up to $20.00. In addition if Owner's dog(s) happens to soil their fire we will bathe them at Owner's expense.

Release of Liability One understands and agrees that during normal dog play, Owner's dog may sustain injuries. Dog play is monitored by staff to best avoid injury, but scratches, punctures, torn ligaments, and other injuries may occur despite the best supervision. Owner further understands and agrees that neither Raise The WOOF nor any of its employees, staff, or volunteers will be liable for any illness, injury, death, and/or escape of Owner's dog(s), and Owner hereby release Raise The WOOF, staff or volunteers of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising from or as a result of Owner's dog(s) attending Raise The WOOF.

Photo and Video Release We love to post pictures and videos. Owner agrees to allow Raise The WOOF and it's employees to use Owner's pet's name and any images or likeness of Owner's pet taken while they are at Raise The WOOF, in any form, for use at any time, in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, trade or promotional materials without compensation, and Owner releases to Raise The WOOF all rights that Owner may posses or claim to such image, likeness, etc.

Group Play All dogs must pass a general behavior assessment in order to attend dog-dog group play. No dog may be admitted to group play who shows any signs of any type of aggression. Owner further understands and agrees that in admitting Owner's dog(s) to dog-dog group play. Owner is representing to Raise The WOOF that Owner's dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed, shown aggression, or exhibited any threatening behavior towards any person or other dogs. Any dog demonstrating aggression of other behavior(s) deemed unacceptable by Raise The WOOF staff may be required to have individual play sessions.

Personal Property Owner understands that Owner is solely responsible for any harm, including to any other pet(s), to the employees or invitees of Raise The WOOF, or to the equipment, facilities, or other property of Raise The WOOF, caused by Owners dog(s). Owner also agrees that Raise The WOOF will not be responsible or liable for any loss or damaged personal property belonging dog(s) cause. By using our grooming services or facility for daycare or training the Owner is waiving any claim for injury or illness experienced by Owner's dog(s) while in our care.

Full/Half Day and Closing Time Owner agrees that if Owner's dog(s) is/are not picked up by the five hour mark from check-in, then a full daycare day rate is applied. Owner agrees that if Owner's dog(s) is/are not picked up by closing time, then after a five minute grace period the Owner will pay $1 per minute according to the Raise The WOOF's computer clock, until their dog(s) are picked up.

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